As a group our first was waiting for the train to take it to wicker park we had an appointment a hat designer named Alma Wieser.
While waiting for the train I looked up and saw some dress forms in the window and I just got a happy feeling. It was very refreshing to see a studio like this right in the heart of downtown.
Even David Hasselhoff decided to make an appearance in the window!! If you can't see it take a closer look. Not sure how I spotted this but this also made me feel awesome!
Hello Wicker Park! Your pandas on the side of the street bring some color to and area where its just an underpass. Being a lover of street art this was just great!
This was the vintage street as some would say as you can see studios galore. Large Windows are great canvas' RIP MJ.Again more studios up top and business on the bottom typical life of a wicker park resident.
You have to stop and get your picture in somewhere. The print on the window stood out to me would make a nice textile print. I believe this was a liquor store or bar...
And we made it to our first destination. Alma Wiser but she also has a gallery in her studio so stuff behind her isn't her art. This is stuff belongs to a Montgomery Berry Smith. very neat 3d stuff.A mixture of different mediums and circles.
Lots of detail.
It actually lit up. Interesting Lamp shade with dreads=Awesomeness.
Repeated use of shapes and images.
Now we are finally to Alma Wieser she is a designer that is known for her hats. Her biggest and most known hat was the crab hat. Inspired by Schiaparelli's lobster dress, pictures will be shown later. Alma was very energetic takes ordinary items and manipulate them in order to create something new from old fashion. She also does this with vintage fashion.Transforms the old with organic shapes and creates a new hat.
She also designs neck pieces, she makes these collages with children's blocks.
Hat headband pieces. Very neat.
More unique line movement.
Last but not least the FAMOUS Crab hat. Simple but genius very interesting piece.
Here is a side view.
I am always a fan of good looking Graffiti especially when it is encouraged on business. Instead of having them vandalize your building tell them you want their best and then you get magic.
This school has a mosaic on the brick which was so beautiful. There were also some pieces of mirrors and the light from the sun just made the picture shine very magically.
The first boutique I stopped in was greenheart it was an eco friendly fair trade store. Visit their website really neat stuff!
Cow bone earrings amazing.
Notebooks made out of elephant poo! Whoa. all the way from Sri Lanka.
Newspapers and magazines.
Chocolate milk purse. yum.
I must say this bag is very impressive.
Our next meeting with the FDSA group was with Bonnie & Clydes Lifestyle fashion. Visit their website they take really high end fashion off the paris runway and sell it. It is displayed as art in a gallery. This place was very modern and dark it was kind of morbid in the right ways the clothes in the center of the room looked as if they were hanging on meet hooks and the walls where black and art was everywhere. The reason these pieces are so expensive is that they are truly works of art. The employees were very friendly and I appreciated listening to what they had to say.
Looks like a runway very cool store.
You will always find a spartan anywhere!!!!
RENEGADE HANDMADE is a unique one-stop shop for DIY goods, featuring the work of over 400 artists! Created as an extension of the Renegade Craft Fair, the store serves as a permanent location for people to buy and sell unique handmade items. You can visit there site to see all of the cool stuff they sell.
Everything in the store is hand made or recycled in one way or another. Its really exciting to see your child hood memories become something new so that you will be able
RENEGADE HANDMADE is a unique one-stop shop for DIY goods, featuring the work of over 400 artists! Created as an extension of the Renegade Craft Fair, the store serves as a permanent location for people to buy and sell unique handmade items. You can visit there site to see all of the cool stuff they sell.
Everything in the store is hand made or recycled in one way or another. Its really exciting to see your child hood memories become something new so that you will be able
Another part of our trip was to visit some art outside and reflect on it.
The famous bean so many people from all over are here at this moment. Very interesting to see all of the different personalities.
Outdoor stage that really uses line to create visual pathways.
What is a reflection? The bean will show you.
yes thats me.
is she falling?? what is happening.
Makes for very interesting photos very unique.
The famous bean so many people from all over are here at this moment. Very interesting to see all of the different personalities.
Outdoor stage that really uses line to create visual pathways.
What is a reflection? The bean will show you.
yes thats me.
is she falling?? what is happening.
Makes for very interesting photos very unique.
Well this concludes Part One! As part of my trip we had to go see the CIA and learn about ten different artists please continue on to the next blog.
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