Wednesday, June 29, 2011

FINAL Images.

Final Statement

My final project's aim was to expose urban art that isn't usually seen by a lot of people. Usually this art is in a place normal people wouldn't go into to witness (abandon buildings) however, luckily for my viewers I'm not so normal. When I look at this set the phrase that comes to mind is "a diamond in the rough."  I grew up in Detroit practically my whole life and I was always surrounded by these images that were so captivating to my eyes. I look at many different art galleries around the web/world and you never see this form of art. It saddens me because the true talent these graffiti artists have is often overlooked or it is given a negative connotation. My goal was to take pictures of beautiful art from artist all over detroit who place their masterpieces in the roughest of places. I feel I accomplished this very well. My favorite part of these is that you see the great buildings that detroit had to offer falling apart abandon and run down yet they are beautiful once again by underground artist whose sole intention is to have their work be recognized by their unique style/signature. I felt that photographing the environment this art was in really helped show the beauty that is hidden and overlooked. I felt that the type of framing I used made the pictures a lot stronger and it made more of a dynamic statement of how beauty knows no boundaries. It just goes to show how we pass things everyday that are beautiful yet we'll never know how beautiful our surroundings are if we never stop to look, observe, or feel the content around us. My gratitude goes out to all the unknown artists that made it possible for me to come in and document their work allowing me to have a great set of final pictures. 

Future planning-I will probably continue with Detroit more photo shoots since I didn't even touch a fraction of the city. I also would be interested in going to different cities and photographing their graffiti as well. I would like to see the environmental changes of styles from all over the country along with the different styles of culture that influence this type of art.

Monday, June 27, 2011